6 Mold Prevention Tips from the Experts

By W.T. Jackson, Get Dry, Inc.
Originally Published On: July 21, 2020
Category: Mold Remediation

Recent studies have found that any water damage in a home can facilitate mold growth in as little as 24 hours.

If there is any type of moisture that uncontrolled in your home, there may be mold growth already happening. Long-term exposure can mold in your home can cause serious health problems, such as eye irritation, respiratory problems, headache, and even an increased chance of developing certain types of cancers.

There are even some strains of mold that can grow in your home that can be deadly. Mold can destroy and break down the surfaces that grow on, which is why you need to understand how to prevent the growth of mold.

That’s why we have created this guide to help you understand the best methods for mold prevention. Keep reading to learn more!

1. Properly Ventilate Your Home

The daily activities that you can put in your home may be encouraging the growth of mold. Some of these simple activities, such as taking a shower or washing dishes, invites the growth of mold into our home. This is because the areas aren’t properly ventilated, which results in excess levels of moisture hanging around in your home.

The laundry room, the bathroom, the kitchen, and other areas in your home that contain high levels of moisture are ideal places for mold to thrive. Any appliances that produce moisture should be ventilated outside of your home. It would help if you were sure that any appliance that does create moisture should be cleaned consistently.

2. Take a Look Around Your Home

Does your home have any problem areas that support the growth of mold? If you noticed that a window has frequent condensation, if your basement consistently floods, or if you have a leak that hasn’t been fixed, make a list of these problems.

You should do your best to fix these problems as quickly as you can. While it may take a little bit of investment upfront to fix these problems, it will help prevent mold from continuing to grow and spread throughout the rest of your home.

3. Consider Using More Mold-Resistant Products

Is your home in need of a little TLC? If you’re getting ready to complete new renovations to your home, you should consider installing mold-resistant products that you’re home.

There are specially made drywall and paints that are resistant to mold growth.

For example, drywall that is mold resistant doesn’t contain any paper, which makes the surface of the drywall resistant to water damage. Using this specialized drywall in rooms with high levels of moisture and humidity, such as the bathroom, will reduce the likelihood of mold growing in your home.

4. Consider Buying a Dehumidifier

Unchecked humidity levels support the growth of mold. If your home has humidity levels that are too high, you likely may already have a problem with mold growing.

Purchasing a dehumidifier will allow you not only to detect high levels of humidity but also to keep the excessive moisture levels controlled. Homes that have high levels of humidity will have condensation build-up on walls, windows, and pipes.

If you notice that your home has condensation buildup in these areas, make sure to dry off any condensation that you do see immediately. A dehumidifier will help to eliminate this problem altogether, although you may have to purchase several dehumidifiers depending on your home’s size.

5. Don’t Forget About Your House Plants

One common area that most homeowners forget to check for mold is in their house plants. While house plants are a great thing to have to improve the quality of the air, they’re also a great place for mold to thrive secretly.

Damp soil is the perfect breeding ground for mold, and let them check, can quickly spread to other areas of your home. This doesn’t mean that you have to throw away all of your house plants. Instead, you can try mixing Taheebo tea with the water that you feed to your house plants.

Taheebo tea contains oil that is commonly found in rainforests and helps to fight against the growth of mold and fungi. You can find this type of tea at stores that offer natural and organic selections.

6. Encourage More Airflow in Your Home

Making time in your schedule to open up windows and doors in your home will help to encourage more airflow in your home. You can try pulling your furniture away from the walls and opening up doors that are normally kept shut to get air circulating in areas where mold easily grows in.

Any areas in your home that are confined should be properly ventilated. We recommend you open up windows in comparison to using an air conditioning unit to get air moving through your home.

The fresh air from outside will be much more useful to prevent the growth of mold. Air conditioning ducts may already have mold growing inside of them, which would reintroduce more mold back into your home.

Finding the Best Mold Prevention Methods for Your Home

It’s essential that you understand that there isn’t a mold prevention solution that’s perfect for everyone. Following the tips that will work best for the climate of your home, as well as the unique weather circumstances of the climate that you live in, you will find the best methods that work for you.

Do you believe that the mold growth that you found in your home too big of a project for you to handle? Our team of mold remediation experts is here to help you manage any mold infestation project you may have.

Click here to contact us today to learn how we can help you.